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MID.GG Matchup Viewer page makes it extremely easy to locate League of Legends matches from high ELO players. Unless you have a specific Streamer you would like to learn from, select the 'all' dropdown for Streamers and then select 'Riven' as the champion.
If there is a particular opponent that you are struggling with, you can also select a champion in the matchup select. You can also apply additional filtering for things such as playing from behind via the gold deficit at 10 minutes slider.
Requesting a Streamer is easy. Request it directly in our Discord in #streamer-submission.
Our streamers are carefully selected. A Streamer must either specialise in one champion and is Diamond tier+ or skilled at many champions and Master tier+.
MID.GG Pro allows access to unlimited Streamer content, including the best pro players from Korea via the Matchups. Find out more at Pro.
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