Frequently asked questions

Have questions? We're here to help

How can I learn to play Riven top using MID.GG?

MID.GG Matchups page makes it extremely easy to locate League of Legends matches from high ELO players. Unless you have a specific Streamer you would like to learn from, select the 'all' dropdown for Streamers and then select 'Riven' as the champion.
If there is a particular opponent that you are struggling with, you can also select a champion in the matchup select. You can also apply additional filtering for things such as playing from behind via the gold deficit at 10 minutes slider.

How do I request a Streamer?
Requesting a Streamer is easy. You can either:
  • Request it directly in our Discord in #streamer-submission
  • Navigate to the VOD viewer, parse a video, and then a button will appear to submit a Streamer

What qualifies a Streamer to be on MID.GG?

Our streamers are carefully selected. A Streamer must either specialise in one champion and is Diamond tier+ or skilled at many champions and Master tier+.

Signing up for an account doesn't include all regions

Currently, we only support Europe West and North American logins. We will look to expand to all regions soon.

What is MID.GG Pro?

MID.GG Pro allows access to unlimited Streamer content via the Matchups and VOD page. Find out more at Pro.

What is MID.GG Studio?

MID.GG Studio is a system which lowers the barrier to entry for newer Streamers and editors to produce content. The system has everything at your disposal when creating League of Legends content. Find out more at Studio.

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